▪️Customer Experience
You have logged in to your wallet (MetaMask or XUMM) and now you're ready to buy some NFTs, what do you do? There are a few different ways that you'll be able to start collecting NFT tokens.
How to connect your wallet
Verify which token the NFT shop accepts (VGO or VGB). Connect the respective wallet compatible with the token in use.
If this is your first time purchasing an item on the Vagabond NFT Marketplace, you'll be asked to unlock VGO / VGB trading on your wallet. This only needs to be done once.
How to buy a NFT
You are able to make purchases at fixed-price. This is dependent on the seller and how they have chosen to list their token.
When the pay button is clicked, you will receive one transaction request from MetaMask if the shop item is priced in VGO, or XUMM QR code will be shown if the shop item is priced in VGB.
Confirm the transaction with your wallet and once it's processed, you will own that NFT!
Where are the bought NFTs stored?
The NFT is stored on the wallet used to place the purchase. You can view the NFTs also with your V-Wallet, as long as the wallet holding the NFT is connected to it.
You can use other tools available to view the contract details of your NFTs for both networks, BscScan for VGO and XRP scan for VGB token addresses. https://bscscan.com/ or https://xrpscan.com/
As long as your NFTs are held within the wallet, when you are connected to applicable dApps, you'll see your purchased NFTs on those dApps as well.
Compatibility and use of the bought NFT’s with other platforms
NFTs bought on the Vagabond NFT Marketplace can be seen, used, listed or burned in any dApp that is compatible with the same NFT protocol standards, ERC-721 on Binance Smart Chain (VGO); XLS20d on XRPL (VGB).
Last updated